Dental Implant

How can I maintain white teeth?

Follow good oral hygiene practices. Brush your teeth at least twice daily, floss at least once daily to remove plaque, and rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash at least once a day to kill bacteria that cause plaque. Since plaque attracts staining substances, reducing plaque, in general, will reduce overall discolouration. Use whitening toothpaste (once or twice a week only) to remove surface stains and prevent yellowing.

Coffee, tea, cola, and red wine are some of the common liquids that stain teeth. If you're serious about keeping your teeth white, try to cut back on these beverages. If you can't live without these drinks, try sipping them through a straw which reduces the amount of liquid with which your teeth come in contact. You can also enjoy potentially staining beverages, coffee, tea, or hot chocolate in moderation, and drink water between each (try alternating a sip) which wash away dark liquids from the surfaces of your teeth.

The longer the liquid sits on your teeth, the more intense the staining will be. Carry a toothbrush and toothpaste with you so that you can freshen up after your coffee break. However, it's essential that you wait at least 30 minutes to brush your teeth after drinking any acidic drink like coffee. If you brush too soon, you may end up spreading the acidity around your teeth instead of cleaning it off.

Eliminating stain-causing tobacco isn't just good for keeping your teeth white. There are many adverse oral risks associated with tobacco use, including gum disease, oral cancer, dulled tasting abilities, and slower healing after certain dental procedures.

Aside from regular daily care, visit Smile Centre for regular checkups at least two times a year. Your dentist can polish away surface stains by professional cleaning's abrasive action without having to bleach your teeth again.