Dental Implant

What is the difference between dental scaling (dental cleaning) and teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure that lightens pigmentation within the teeth. The sole purpose of tooth whitening is to improve the appearance of teeth by enhancing their colour. The whitening treatments also have the potential of treating deep stains that either acquired or genetically inherited. The whitening treatments bleach the enamel of teeth to give them a whiter shade.

Scaling and polishing is a procedure that removes dental plaque, tartar and extrinsic stains that are present on the outer surface of the teeth which prevents and control the severity of gum diseases. The cleaning occurs along the gum line and in between teeth as well as removing residue from the teeth surfaces. Compared to tooth whitening, polishing de-scales and polishes teeth, and is done as part of the regular trips to the dentist. After scaling & polishing, teeth can appear lighter if there are many stains on the outer surface of the teeth. If the intrinsic colour of teeth is very yellow, there will be no changes after teeth cleaning as the yellow colour comes from inside the tooth.

Both procedures, tooth whitening and tooth polishing are carried out by dentists in order to maintain your appearance, oral health and hygiene. Professional teeth cleanings are recommended by The American Dental Association every 6 months. If you are at risk for tooth decay or have a history of gum disease, schedule teeth cleanings at intervals determined by your dentist.