Dental Implant

How can parents help prevent tooth decay?

Establish a tooth brushing routine with your children. Once they get in the habit of brushing every day, that will continue into adolescence and adulthood. It’s advisable to help children up to eight years old with brushing their teeth and still supervise their routine until age 11. Buy toothpaste with fluoride for children two years old and up. Make brushing your teeth a family moment – have everyone brush their teeth together in the morning and then together again at night before bedtime.

One of the biggest culprits of childhood tooth decay is poor diet. This begins as early as a few months old when children are often allowed to go to bed with bottles of milk or juice. The sugars in these beverages – even natural sugars – can steadily decay the teeth. Limit the amount of sweet or sticky foods your child eats, such as candy, gummies, cookies, Fruit Roll-Ups, or cookies. Sugar is in foods like crackers and chips too. These foods are particularly bad if your kid snacks on them much. They should be eaten only at mealtime.

Teach your child to use his tongue to clean food immediately off the teeth. By giving them a hand, parents can make certain that no food is left behind, which often leads to cavities.

Make sure your child sees a paediatric dentist regularly.